“Just when I think my resume is done, I read something online that completely goes against what I’ve done with my resume. I’m fed up! What is the right way? Is there the right way???”
Are you going nuts constantly updating and changing your resume? You are not the only one. The bad news is that there is no one-size-fits-all fix. It means that even with all those resume builders, checkers, and inevitable ChatGPT, your resume might reflect something other than YOU. (btw, check people before you take their job search advice) So, the good news is – yes, there is the “right way” for YOU specifically. “What does that even mean, Olivera?!?” you ask. Well, this: ✳️ There is a way to rewrite your resume to truly match and reflect all your expertise, experience, and achievements and make you a desirable employee in the eyes of employers – you just need to be more objective and super focused on your target job when writing. ✳️ You need to stop applying every single resume writing tip you can find online, like, right now. Focus on YOUR history and YOUR results. What does differentiate you from others? What unique value are you bringing to the table? You are practically invisible to employers if you don’t stand out in the modern job market. Read the resume checklist below to see where you stand right now, and what needs your attention. 🔎 Does your resume tick all the boxes?