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ChatGPT and Your Resume

Recruiters are fed up with ChatGTP-written resumes.


I was talking with my recruiter friends about application processes, and every single one of them told me this. One was hiring for a marketing manager role, she received over 50 resumes and over 20 inMails in the first 24 hours – and guess what? Every single one was AI-generated. She says, “It's an automatic turn-off, ChatGPT writes in a specific way so recruiters can spot such CVs a mile off, and they end up in the bin.”


I see the value in ChatGPT (or Gemini), and I think it’s not about the technology but how it is used.


Whatever way you use gen-AI in your job search, if you don’t make the output look human and you don’t show your own personality, you will fail. The messages you send will be generic, and hiring managers can definitely tell and think of you as lazy and not truly motivated. 


ChatGPT can craft a framework for your resume, but you need to put YOU into the resume, YOU into the cover letter, and YOU into every message you send.


You can't just completely ignore your own intelligence, even when given such an “easy way out”.


You must still check your work for errors, ambiguities, and authenticity. 


AI was meant to make your life easier, but please don't replace it completely with your own thoughts, your own voice and your own judgement. 


Because, trust me - everyone can tell, and it doesn’t make you look good.


And, yes, recruiters do read resumes, and it’s important that they see your effort – in your resume, in your cover letter, the email or DM you send…


…and generated content shows anything but.


I mean, spend only five minutes scrolling LinkedIn, and you’ll get an instant headache from all the regurgitated nonsense in posts and comments copied and pasted from ChatGPT.


Don’t give recruiters such a headache and an excuse to screen you out at the beginning of the hiring process.


Work smarter. I’m just a message away if you need me. 



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