Do you name your resume file properly before submitting it online or sending it to the recruiters / hiring managers?
This is such an important, in fact, a CRUCIAL step when you are applying for a job.
Be sure that recruiters will not even open your resume if your file name looks like this:
⛔ AnnaFK_CVversion2.docx
⛔ MarkEng_Last3.pdf
⛔ Resume Corrected.docx
⛔ Curriculum Vitae.docx
⛔ CV 21-07-20 Net ’05.pdf
I’m sure you get my point.
So, how can you name your resume in a professional way and leave a good first impression even before your qualifications start speaking out?
❇️ Include your FULL NAME first
❇️ Include the words “resume” or “CV”
❇️ You could include your title too, but I prefer to keep it as simple and as short as possible
Your resume file name should look like this:
✅ Olivera-Andjelkovic_Resume.docx
Good luck and always pay attention to basics! For all the rest, message me anytime. 🙂🍀