⚠️ Controversial topics ⚠️ WARNING: Read at your own risk❗🙂
Here is how to make the right decision over most disputed resume writing topics: 👇
🟢 Should I have a 1-page resume? 🟢
No. It’s impossible anyway if you have substantial experience. I only write 1-page resumes for people who have recently graduated and have no experience.
So, what would be the preferred number of pages then? It depends on many factors (years of experience, professional level, industry). Still, I wouldn’t go above 3 pages if there is a valid reason to have all those info on the resume.
🟢 Should I put my photo on my resume? 🟢
Yes, if you want to. And before you start about discrimination or the ATS – we are in 2022 people, and ALL employers check applicants on social media. Also, the CRM/ATS are far more advanced now, and they parse both pdf and word documents equally well. And, yes, my clients in the USA and Canada have photos on their resumes and are still landing the jobs they want.
NOTE: Not a single company I know and worked with has an ATS that rejects applicants; it’s a myth created by some career coaching “experts”. The only way you get the automatic rejections is when you don’t give the right answers to so-called “knockout questions” during the application process. Some ATSs will compare the text of your resume with the text of the job description and generate a % match based on that comparison, but that % does not make your resume automatically rejected. I guarantee you that HR folks and recruiters do review every resume and make an informed decision about what to do next.
🟢 What should I put first – my education or my experience? 🟢
If you have recently graduated with no or little experience, go with the education before the experience section. There’s no reason why you would use the precious 1st-page space on your education in any other case.
I hope this resolves some of your resume writing dilemmas.
If not, I’m happy to help. ❤️
Work smarter, not harder. 🍀
Follow me on LinkedIn for more job search and career development tips ➡️ Olivera Andjelkovic
P.S. Backed up with 10+ yrs of HR consulting and 5+ years of coaching experience.