Are you desperately applying to every job posting you find, even if it's miles away from your experience and qualifications?
We've all been there at one point in our careers.
Instead, do this:
🎯 Decide what job you want and send your job applications accordingly
🎯 Update your resume focusing on skills and accomplishments relevant to your target job
🎯 Study job descriptions in detail, detect keywords and adapt your resume if necessary
...and get invited to an interview! 🏆
All my clients land interviews just a few weeks after our coaching by following this approach.
So can you. 💪
Work smarter, not harder. 🍀
Follow me on LinkedIn for more job search and career development tips ➡️ Olivera Andjelkovic
P.S. Backed up with 10+ yrs of HR consulting and 5+ years of coaching experience. 🙂